About the program

Departments responsible for Plant Protection Program:
Economic Entomology, Pesticides and Plant Pathology

Program Approval Date: 2009

About the program:

Plant Protection Program consists of three integrated disciplines: Entomology, plant pathology and pesticides, and this program achieves the integration of knowledge and concepts in biological and environmental sciences and focus on cultural, natural, biological and chemical concepts to find the best methods of combating feasible and environmentally and economically appropriate.

The study of this program confirms the methods of studying the spread of pests and plant pathogens, prevention, diagnosis and treatment in cases of infection, in addition to the field of work in plant protection and pest control, the employment opportunities of graduates of this program extend to include the industries of agrochemicals and intensive commercial production of biocontrol elements, which include parasites, predators, pathogens, production and breeding of honeybees, silk worms and their products, pesticide trade and pesticide residue analysis laboratories in addition to specialized agricultural research institutes and stations.

Program Vision

Upgrading and excellence in the sciences of Entomology, plant pathology and pesticides and their applications to prepare specialized agricultural cadres qualified to keep up with the needs of the labor market to become the program of the best plant protection programs at the level of Agricultural Faculties.

Program Mission

Preparing qualified graduates with sufficient knowledge and skills and filled with the necessary values for professional practices and leadership in the field of plant protection that meet the community's local and regional aspirations.

Program objectives

  1. Gaining the ability to make modeling plans and programs to predict pest and pathogens
  2. Develop appropriate plans to prevent pests and pathogens.
  3. Design of pest control programs and pathogens based on IPM.
  4. Planning and management of breeding of honeybee, silkworms, mass production of biocontrol agents, pesticide trade, pesticide residue analysis laboratories and work in plant protection research stations.
  5. Develop the performance of the graduate and can learn self and continuous.
  6. Keeping up with the demands of the labor market in the field of pest control.
  7. Student qualification to attend graduate studies and work in the field of research.

programme de protection des cultures
«Préparer les diplômés qualifiés avec des connaissances et des compétences suffisantes et remplir les valeurs nécessaires pour les pratiques professionnelles et le leadership dans le domaine de la protection des cultures qui répondent aux aspirations locales et régionales de la communauté»

Objectifs du programme
1/1 Obtenir la capacité de faire des plans et des programmes de modélisation pour prédire les ravageurs et les agents pathogènes
1/2 Élaborer des plans appropriés pour prévenir les ravageurs et lesagents pathogènes.
1/3 Conception de programmes de lutte antiparasitaire et d’agents pathogènes basés surl’IPM.
1/4 Planification et gestion del’apiculture, de la reproduction des vers à soie, de la production de masse d’éléments de lutte biologique, du commerce des pesticides, des laboratoires d’analyse des pesticides et du travail dans les stations de protection des plantes.
1/5 Développer la performance du diplômé et peut apprendre lui-même et enpermanence.
1/6 Suivre le rythme des exigences du marché du travail dans le domaine de la lutte antiparasitaire.
1/7 Qualification d’étudiant pour suivre des études supérieures et travailler dans le domaine de larecherche.


van het Gewasbeschermingsprogramma
"Het voorbereiden van gekwalificeerde afgestudeerden met voldoende kennis en vaardigheden en gevuld met de nodige waarden voor beroepspraktijken en leiderschap op het gebied van gewasbescherming die voldoen aan de lokale en regionale aspiraties van de gemeenschap"

1/1 Het verkrijgen van de mogelijkheid om modellering plannen en programma's te maken om ongedierte en ziekteverwekkers te voorspellen
1/2 Ontwikkelen van passende plannen om ongedierte en ziekteverwekkers tevoorkomen.
1/3 Ontwerp van ongediertebestrijdingsprogramma's en ziekteverwekkers op basis vanIPM.
1/4 Planning en beheervanbijenteelt, veredeling van zijderupsen, massaproductie van biocontrole-elementen, pesticidenhandel, analyselaboratoria voor bestrijdingsmiddelen en werken in gewasbeschermingsstations.
1/5 Ontwikkel de prestaties van de afgestudeerde en kan leren zelf en continu.
1/6 Gelijke tred houden met de eisen van de arbeidsmarkt op het gebied van ongediertebestrijding.
1/7 Student kwalificatie om graduate studies te volgen en te werken op het gebied van onderzoek.

Scientific Departments

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Department of Economic Entomology

Department of Animal Production

Department of Poultry Production

Department of Vegetables& Floriculture

Department of Agronomy

Department of Pomology

Department of Microbiology

Department of Genetics

Department of Pesticides

Department of Chemistry

Department of Soil

Academic Programs

Agricultural Engineering & Bio systems

Economic & Social Sciences Agricultural

Animal & Poultry & Fish production

Soil & Water

Plant Protection

Botany production

Agricultural Biotechnology

Food Science & Technology

Contact Us

Mansoura - 60 Elgomhoria st - Mansoura University - Faculty of Agriculture - 35516

 +20 (50) 2202254

 +20 (50) 2202253


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