- الزيارات: 1215
الدعوة الثانية لمبادرة ERANETMED
تعلن أكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا عن الدعوة للمشاركة في ERANETMED لتعزيز التعاون بين الباحثين لمعالجة بعض التحديات الرئيسية التى تواجه منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط واقتراح حلول مستدامة للتحديات البيئية فى المجتمعات الضعيفة التى تكون فيها الموارد المحلية مثل التنوع البيولوجى والأرض والمياه والطاقة والمواد الغذائية تحت تهديد خطير بسبب عوامل مثل الهجرة والبيئية والعوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية .. الخ
إطلاق الدعوة: 21 مارس 2016
الموعد النهائى لتقديم المقترحات: 31 مايو 2016
ERANETMED JOINT CALL ON "Environmental Challenges and Solutions for Vulnerable Communities" (2nd Call)
The ERA-NET scheme is an instrument of the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme providing funding to improve the cooperation and coordination of national research activities and thus strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) with other regions of the world.
ERANETMED is a EU FP7 initiative that aims at co-ordinating research activities of the different national research programmes from EU Members States, Associated Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries. In particular, the ERANETMED objective is to strengthen the collaboration and common capacity of research programme owners from above countries to address some of the major challenges that the Mediterranean is facing and strengthen Euro-Mediterranean research co-operation.
The aim of this call is to propose sustainable solutions for the environmental challenges of “Euro-Mediterranean vulnerable communities” intended as those communities leaving in areas–coastal zones or inland - in which local resources like biodiversity, land and water, energy or food are under serious threat by factors such as migration, environmental, socio-economic factors etc.
The present statement is a pre-announcement of the second joint transnational research call of ERANETMED co-funded by the following Euro-Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Spain (other countries may join before the official announcement of the Call).
Launching of the call: 21 March 2016
Deadline for submission of proposals: 31 May 2016
More information on the description of the topic and the eligible type of actions is available here
To enhance the dialogue among applicants to the Calls of ERANETMED, and to create a platform for collecting ideas, suggestions and comments, use Facebook page: