submit your application to the 2018 Ideas for Action Competition!

Don't miss this chance to submit your idea to the 2018 Ideas for Action Competition. If you have a passion for international development or social entrepreneurship, I4A are looking for your local solutions to global 21st century problems.

A joint initiative between the World Bank Group and the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the Ideas for Action Competition empowers young leaders worldwide to share their ideas for financing and implementing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Please visit our website to register for the competition and submit your proposal in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French or Arabic.

Deadline for full proposal submissions: February 28, 2018
Final round submissions: early April 2018
Announcement of winners: May 31, 2018

Don't miss this opportunity to take your innovative concept to the global level - submit your proposal today! We are here to support you, so please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Finally, please check out new Ideas for Action Africa and Ideas for Action Egypt Facebook pages!

Scientific Departments

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Department of Economic Entomology

Department of Animal Production

Department of Poultry Production

Department of Vegetables& Floriculture

Department of Agronomy

Department of Pomology

Department of Microbiology

Department of Genetics

Department of Pesticides

Department of Chemistry

Department of Soil

Academic Programs

Agricultural Engineering & Bio systems

Economic & Social Sciences Agricultural

Animal & Poultry & Fish production

Soil & Water

Plant Protection

Botany production

Agricultural Biotechnology

Food Science & Technology

Contact Us

Mansoura - 60 Elgomhoria st - Mansoura University - Faculty of Agriculture - 35516

 +20 (50) 2202254

 +20 (50) 2202253

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