Call for proposals for joint «Egyptian-Italian» research projects

The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology announces the opening of proposals for joint Egyptian-Italian research projects to be financed within the framework of the joint scientific cooperation protocol between ASRT and the National Research Council of Italy (CNR).

The proposals for projects in all fields of science are available to all Researchers from Egyptian research centers and institutes and public and private universities according to the conditions no later than July 31, 2017. The researchers wishing to participate in the program must register and fill in the forms through the following link:

The Academy of Scientific Research & Technology, as the Egyptian house of expertise and National think tank of the country brings together Egyptian scientists and experts from universities, research institutions, private sector, NGOs, policymakers, and prominent Egyptian scientists in Diaspora to deliberate country problems, propose and carry out scientific studies and future strategic basic plans to tackle these problems. Realising the importance of internationalization in Science & Technology, exchanging knowledge, experiences, new technologies and to develop the scientific Research.

This call for submitting joint research projects by researchers of both countries is open, with the aim of encouraging scientific and technological cooperation between Egypt and Italy. Each Principal Investigator (hereafter referred as PI) may submit one project only. All applicants must fulfil national eligibility rules to apply his proposal. Proposed research should build on and reinforce cooperative activities between research groups of both Countries and contribute with significant added value to these activities.

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