Fourth International Conference "Bridging Gaps and Enhancing Trust"

NAQAAE regards the gap between the community expectations from educational institutions and their actual performance, as well as the disparity between labor market needs and the quality of the graduates as major national challenges. NAQAAE along with other national parties are required to work collaboratively on outlining a strategy for upgrading education, while taking challenges into consideration. NAQAAE as the agency, responsible by its mandate for assuring the quality of education took initiative by focusing its fourth international conference on these national issues, Hence the choice of the conference theme "Bridging Gaps and Building Trust ”.

NAQAAE’s fourth international conference is posing the following and other questions for wide stakeholders discussion:

What are the 21st Century Skills from the employers’ perspective?
How can we Promote the paradigm shift to Competency Based Education?
What are the community expectations from educational institutions?
How can we increase the Community accountability of educational Institutions?
What is the role of different stakeholders in assuring the quality of education?
How can we build the tools for trust and recognition in qualifications?
Will domestic and international networking help building trust in qualifications?


1. Sharing experiences and disseminating good practices in QA of Education.
2. Increasing NAQAAE visibility at National and International levels.
3. Exploring methods to strengthen the engagement of industry in education.
4. Launching NAQAAE Standards for Accreditation of Universities.
5. Reporting progress of the Egyptian NQF.
6. Drafting a roadmap for the shift to Competency Based Education.


Forecasting challenges &Opportunities in the Changing Education Scene.
Bridging the gap between labor market needs & outputs of education & training.
Community accountability of educational Institutions.
Leading the change: from objective to reflective self assessment.
International recognition of QA bodies.
Accreditation of Universities.
Stakeholder involvement: bridging the perspectives gap.
Competency Based Education.


NAQAAE is expecting the participation of up to 400 participants. Participants will be representatives of all levels and types of education in Egypt, representatives of the Ministries of Education, Higher Education, Al-Azhar, TVET Policy makers, training providers, public and private universities leaderships, international experts in QA of education as well as representatives of a number of Arab and European QA agencies.

For More Information: Bridging Gaps and Enhancing Trust

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