German Egyptian Mobility Program for Scientific Exchange and Excellence Development (GE-SEED) Call 8

The German Egyptian Mobility Program for Scientific Exchange and Excellence Development GE-SEED (formerly known as GESP) is a fund that supports the exchange of scientific visits between Egyptian and German research teams. This program is co- financed by the Science and Technology Development Fund in Egypt (STDF) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Germany.

For Egyptian Scientists

The online application form is available on the STDF website
Further information can be found in the GE-SEED infosheet.
For inquiries please contact Ms. Heba Afifi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For German Scientists

The call for application and the application are available on the DAAD Website under the following link
For inquires please contact Mrs. Mirjam Bouagnimbeck This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

N.B. Content of this announcement can be changed without prior notice.

Grant: International Cooperation Grants

Program: German Egyptian Mobility Program for Scientific Exchange and Excellence Development (GE-SEED)

Call: 8

Call announcement: 1-Oct-15

Call Deadline: 8-Dec-15

More information and submission:

Scientific Departments

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Department of Economic Entomology

Department of Animal Production

Department of Poultry Production

Department of Vegetables& Floriculture

Department of Agronomy

Department of Pomology

Department of Microbiology

Department of Genetics

Department of Pesticides

Department of Chemistry

Department of Soil

Academic Programs

Agricultural Engineering & Bio systems

Economic & Social Sciences Agricultural

Animal & Poultry & Fish production

Soil & Water

Plant Protection

Botany production

Agricultural Biotechnology

Food Science & Technology

Contact Us

Mansoura - 60 Elgomhoria st - Mansoura University - Faculty of Agriculture - 35516

 +20 (50) 2202254

 +20 (50) 2202253

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