NAQAAE’s Fifth International conference

Tackling national strategic issues in education and addressing the current and anticipated challenges of the rapidly changing education arena are at the core of NAQAAE’s interests. Hence, NAQAAE’s annual International Conference is one of its main means to discuss these issues and challenges with a wide base of stakeholders.

Ten years after its inception, NAQAAE as a learning organization is keen to reflect with all stakeholders on the progress achieved in quality assurance of education, the obstacles we have met on our joint quest for quality as well as the challenges we are facing and the means to overcome them. Together we will contemplate on our aspirations for high quality Egyptian education and draw a road map to bring those aspirations into reality … to transform the dreams into collaborative actions. Hence the choice of NAQAAE’s 5th International Conference theme " Quality Assurance of Education: Reflections… Prospects…Aspirations”.

NAQAAE’s Fifth International conference is posing the following and other questions for wide stakeholders discussion:

  • What is the impact of quality assurance on educational institutions, educators and students?
  • Education for all … can we turn the slogan into reality?
  • What is quality assurance of education from the employers’ perspective?
  • How can we further promote the paradigm shift to competency-based education?
  • What challenges does Internationalization of Education pose to quality assurance?
  • How can we build more tools for trust and recognition in qualifications?
  • How effective is international networking in building trust in qualifications?
  • Education and innovation, what promises does TVET hold?
  • Autonomy of the higher education institutions: is quality assurance a threat?


  • Sharing experiences and disseminating good practices in quality assurance of education .
  • Increasing NAQAAE visibility at National and International levels.
  • Launching new standards: Pre-University and Technical schools accreditation and NARS for several sectors.
  • Exploring methods to improve the response of education to current and future labor market needs.
  • Activating partnerships with key stakeholders and developing new partnerships at national and international levels.


  • Impact of Quality Assurance.
  • Internationalization of QA.
  • Student Engagement in QA.
  • Leading the change: from objective to reflective self-assessment.
  • Improving the response of education to current and future labor market needs.
  • Competency Based Education.
  • The future of quality assurance of education.

NAQAAE is expecting the participation of over 400 participants. Participants will be representatives of all levels and types of education in Egypt, representatives of the Ministries of Education and Technical Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Al-Azhar, TVET Policy makers, training providers, public and private universities’ leaderships, international experts in quality assurance of education as well as representatives of a number of Arab and European QA agencies.

Date &Venue: 22 – 23 April 2018 Conrad Hotel, Cairo

The Conference will include opening and closing plenary sessions, interactive roundtables, as well as multi-stakeholder panel discussions about selected topics. Official Languages: Arabic/English Arabic/English interpretation will be available.

NAQAAE’s Fifth International conference (Reflections - Prospects - Aspirations)

Scientific Departments

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Department of Economic Entomology

Department of Animal Production

Department of Poultry Production

Department of Vegetables& Floriculture

Department of Agronomy

Department of Pomology

Department of Microbiology

Department of Genetics

Department of Pesticides

Department of Chemistry

Department of Soil

Academic Programs

Agricultural Engineering & Bio systems

Economic & Social Sciences Agricultural

Animal & Poultry & Fish production

Soil & Water

Plant Protection

Botany production

Agricultural Biotechnology

Food Science & Technology

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