WISWB "Women in Science without Borders" Conference
It is not a matter of women or men scientists, but it is a matter of increasing cooperation between both sides for the sake of sustainable development.
WISWB "Women in science without borders" is the first international conference held in Egypt about women in different fields of science and their role in sustainable development hand in hand with the cooperation of men.
WISWB will be a platform to display scientific based cutting edge research and innovation including free discussions and interactive sessions on different topics concerned different disciplines. WISWB is seeking for supporting scientific excellence and impact on society. Additionally, WISWB will highlight the role of scientists as mentors, role models and inspiration for the new generations.
The conference will be held on the 21st of March and it will last 3 days.
Attendance in the conference is free and open for scientists, scholars, students, entrepreneurs, journalists, authorities and organizations, etc.