Workshop: Your Postdoc Career in Germany - Opportunities for Outstanding Scientists!
Cairo Liaison Offices of Technical University Munich (TUM) and Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin) in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) and Cairo Offices of Philipps-Universität Marburg and Technical University Berlin are pleased to invite prospective postdoc researchers to participate in the upcoming workshop for outstanding scientists on 31st March 2019 in Cairo.
If you are an outstanding postdoc scholar from any discipline with publications in prestigious international journals and have received your PhD degree within the past 8 years we invite you to apply for this workshop! You will get first-hand information about the funding opportunities of the participating institutions, their programs and the services each offers to excellent postdoc scholars. In addition to that, you will get an insight on pursuing postdoc research in Germany in an international and competitive system. Beside benefiting from the remarkable network opportunity, the selected participants will also join the module on “Competitive Proposal Writing”, offered by the DAAD Kairo Akademie that will take place on the same day.
Participation in the workshop is free of charge!
Deadline for application: Saturday 16.02.2019
The workshop is scheduled to take place at the DAAD premises (11 Street El-Saleh Ayoub, Zamalek, Cairo), on Sunday 31.03.2019.
Apply now: Workshop..Your Postdoc Career in Germany