The studying system

The studying system that is being used in the new program is the credited hours per semester. The proposed system of credit hours in the rule on the following basis:

  • Credit hour: it is an academic measurement unit that is used to determine the weight of each course in relation to other curriculums; it is equivalent to a one hour lecture per week during the first semester. For lessons and practical exercises, one credit hour is being calculated per one time practice for two hours a week during the semester.
  • Semester

The study lasts for 15 weeks per semester, and the semester is the time period between the start of the study until the dismissal and written exams.

  • Academic year

It consists of two obligatory semesters of study, and the study continues to thirty weeks. Each of them lasts for 15 weeks.

  • Grade points average (GPA)

It is the weighted average of the grade points acquired in the courses in that particular semester and approximated to only two decimal places and is calculated as follows:-

  • Cumulative grade points average (cGPA)

It is average of points obtained by the student in all semester an approximated to only two decimal places and is calculated as follows:-

  • Module

It is educational unit that is related to other curriculums and include theoretical and practical contents

  • Curricula

It is a group of educational courses and activities which include theoretical and practical parties and it may be forced or optional, succeeding on it leads to bachelor’s degree in agricultural science, department of Dietetic program while the student meet the number of credit hours required for graduation.

  • Course load

It means the total hours that the student registers during a semester with maximum 18 hours, and the minimum 12 credit hours per semester. In the framework of course load, it is not allowed for the student who has a cumulative low level (set by the College Board) enrolled in 12 credit hours per semester.

  • Prerequisite

It is a curriculum in which the student must study and succeed in it before registering another that is based upon it. It is not allowed for the student to study a curriculum which had   Prerequisite only if he passes the Prerequisite successfully.

10- Quality points

Any curriculum is a unit used to measure the performance of students in a course, and is calculated by multiplying the number of credit hours of the curricula in degree which the student obtained in this curriculum.

  • Academic advisor: it is tested through Academic Council of the program from faculty members in the dairy department to assist the student in the selection of curriculum according to existing plans that exists in this regulation, and helping him to overcome the problems that may face him during the study. The advisor works to guide the student academically and socially during the period of study till the graduation. a documentary card is registered for every student through academic supervisor where he record the necessary data and results obtained by the record, he also reviews the curriculum in which the student registered during each semester and until graduating from college, noting that the advisory opinion is just consultative, and the student is the primarily responsible for the decisions where he register upon his own request.
  • The studying language is English, which is the primary language of instruction and education throughout the program period, except for some courses that require teaching in Arabic language (Human rights, Communication and facilitate business skills, Critical thinking, Self-learning skills, Marketing and feasibility study, Nutrition education and counseling patients, Management of Nutrition services, Physical activity in health and disease, Planning and evaluation of food policy).

Scientific Departments

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Department of Economic Entomology

Department of Animal Production

Department of Poultry Production

Department of Vegetables& Floriculture

Department of Agronomy

Department of Pomology

Department of Microbiology

Department of Genetics

Department of Pesticides

Department of Chemistry

Department of Soil

Academic Programs

Agricultural Engineering & Bio systems

Economic & Social Sciences Agricultural

Animal & Poultry & Fish production

Soil & Water

Plant Protection

Botany production

Agricultural Biotechnology

Food Science & Technology

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