
Sub-committee of Plant Protection Program

  • Dr. Mohamed Abdel Majid Mohammed Rizk - Dean of the Faculty as President
  • Dr. Saleh E. Saada – Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs
  • Dr. Adel Hassan Abdel-Salam, Director of the Program, Secretary of the Committee
  • Heads of Departments (Economic Entomology - Pesticides - Plant Pathology)
    - Dr. Adel Hassan Abdul Salam - Head of Economic Entomology Department
    - Dr. Mohammed Sobhy Hamada - Head of Pesticides Department
    - Dr. Al-Sharbiny Abdel Moneim Al-Sharbiny - Head of Plant Pathology Department
  • Mr. Medhat Ismail Saeed - Secretary of the Faculty
  • Dr. Mohamed Mansour Mahmoud Mousa - Director of Education and Student Affairs
  • Dr. Mohamed Mohammed Murtaza - Director of Mansoura Branch of Plant Protection Research Institute
  • Dr. Mohammed Mahmoud Atuh - Director of Quality Assurance Department in the Agricultural sector, International Agricultural Development Company Farm Fritz

Program Manager's Duties:

  1. The formation of the program's self-study team of faculty members, assistant staff, and administrative staff from the scientific departments of the program to meet the accreditation criteria for the program.
  2. A monthly meeting of the sub-committee for the management of the program was chaired by Mr. Dr. Dean of the Faculty or on behalf of his Excellency to discuss the various issues of the program with the presentation of the minutes of the session to the High Committee of Programs of the College.
  3. Develop the annual budget of the program to achieve the program's targeted learning outcomes, including the program team rewards.
  4. The link between the quality assurance unit and the scientific departments of the program.
  5. Presentation of the proposal of the teachers for the courses of the program in accordance with the criteria specified by the program's board of directors.
  6. Supervising the development of study schedules for the courses of the program.
  7. Follow-up the activation of office hours for the faculty members participating in the program.
  8. Follow-up the activation of academic guidance.
  9. The formation of the review and development committee of the program.
  10. Review the development plan of the program prepared by the Review and Development Committee.
  11. Full supervision of the preparation of the application file for the adoption of the program from the National Authority to ensure the quality of education and accreditation

Program Manager Selection Criteria:

On 11/11/2019, the Council of Faculty of Agriculture approved the adoption of the criteria for selecting the director of the educational program and measurement indicators and on the tasks assigned to the program manager based on the proposals of the scientific departments.

Scientific Departments

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Department of Economic Entomology

Department of Animal Production

Department of Poultry Production

Department of Vegetables& Floriculture

Department of Agronomy

Department of Pomology

Department of Microbiology

Department of Genetics

Department of Pesticides

Department of Chemistry

Department of Soil

Academic Programs

Agricultural Engineering & Bio systems

Economic & Social Sciences Agricultural

Animal & Poultry & Fish production

Soil & Water

Plant Protection

Botany production

Agricultural Biotechnology

Food Science & Technology

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