Field training

Field training areas for graduate preparation

The training plan for the students of the program was developed to conform to the vision of the faculty and develop the talents and abilities of the student by pushing for self-education and cooperation and encouraging him to innovate, invent and communicate, which qualifies him to manage his own investment project adapted to the need of the region, relying on itself as a small product capable of innovation, which in turn leads to reducing unemployment, increasing the national income and raising the standard of living of individuals.

The training program is planned to include:

  • Trips to research and industrial destinations
  • Laboratories and research farm for the departments concerned with the college
  • Farms and production for individuals and companies
  • Visits to quantum multiplication factories for vital control elements
  • Field visits to see the manifestations and symptoms of pests and plant pathogens as well as field application and machinery used and factors that affect the efficiency of the use and preparation of different concentrations of pesticides
  • Visiting factories for the production, packaging and mixing of pesticides
  • Visit pesticide residue analysis centers
  • Visiting Agricultural Faculties in different Universities
  • Visit of the agricultural quarantine to the ports of Damietta and Alexandria.

Field Training 1 Level:

Summer Level II - Its Training Program: Plant Protection Program Number of approved hours: eight hours per day for 40 days

The goal of training: to provide the student with some scientific and practical bases in all areas of the departments of Economic Entomology, pesticides, and Plant Pathology to serve the field of plant protection.

Grade distribution:
• Attendance, absence, and behavior ratio 25%
• student completion file for training activities 25%
• Evaluation of training activities 50%
• Total: 100%

Field Training 2 Level:

Summer Level III - Its Training Program: Plant Protection Program Number of approved hours: eight hours per day for six weeks

The goal of training: to provide the student with some scientific and practical foundations in all areas of the departments concerned with the program (Departments of Economic Entomology, Pesticides, and Plant Pathology) in the field of plant protection.

The student is trained in the departments of Economic Entomology, Pesticides and Plant Pathology for eight hours a day for six weeks (two weeks per department) according to the training plan for each department.

Grade distribution:
• Attendance, absence ratio, and behavior 25%
• student completion file for training activities 25%
• Evaluation of training activities 50%
• Total: 100%

Scientific Departments

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Department of Economic Entomology

Department of Animal Production

Department of Poultry Production

Department of Vegetables& Floriculture

Department of Agronomy

Department of Pomology

Department of Microbiology

Department of Genetics

Department of Pesticides

Department of Chemistry

Department of Soil

Academic Programs

Agricultural Engineering & Bio systems

Economic & Social Sciences Agricultural

Animal & Poultry & Fish production

Soil & Water

Plant Protection

Botany production

Agricultural Biotechnology

Food Science & Technology

Contact Us

Mansoura - 60 Elgomhoria st - Mansoura University - Faculty of Agriculture - 35516

 +20 (50) 2202254

 +20 (50) 2202253

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